Endangered: Eurasian Lynx
Day #5
The Eurasian Lynx reaches the size of an adult German Shepherd — body length approx. 100–150 cm (usually up to 130 cm) and height at the withers approx. 50–75 cm.
The erect ears end in a characteristic brush of stiff, black hair that performs an important function: they focus sound waves and lead them to the ears of the lynx so that it hears better.
The lynx has well-developed senses of sight and hearing. Its dentition is adapted to crushing and cutting, with well-developed canines and breakers. Climbs trees well and jumps well. He is not a good runner, however, and gets tired quickly.
Like all small cats, she washes her body thoroughly and can also purr.
Lynxes usually spend the day in hiding places, and come out to feed only at night. Therefore, these mammals prefer forests in which tilts are not removed, and there are rocks or trees with large hollows, which European cats use as shelters. There should also be no shortage of dead trees left in its territory. Among other things, due to such high environmental requirements, the lynx is a rare species in Poland. Its population is estimated at about 200 individuals and is under strict protection.
Lynx prey primarily on roe deer, at the same time, they are a natural factor limiting the number of these mammals. But they also do not despise other, smaller animals. They can jump to a height of over 2 meters, which they use when hunting birds that are trying to fly away.
Lynxes usually make one attempt to capture large prey per day, with adults succeeding on average once every 38 hours, and inexperienced juveniles — once every 105 hours.
Due to the generally solitary lifestyle, lynxes of the opposite sex meet with each other only once a year — during estrus.
The actual estrus lasts only about 3 days; during this period, the male does not leave the female for a step, does not hunt and behaves very aggressively towards potential competitors.
After mating, the lynxes disperse until the next mating season.
Pregnancy in lynx lasts about 70–74 days. The female gives birth to 2 or 3 (sometimes more) kittens in one litter.
They become independent before the age of 1 year, at the age of 9–11 months, then they leave their mother (who already begins the next mating season then).
The mortality rate of juveniles is very high, it can be up to 50%; later it decreases. Lynx live on average 14–17 years in the wild, while in captivity they often live up to about 25 years.
A threat to it is man and his activities as well as weakness caused by the presence of numerous parasites (tapeworms, nematodes, roundworms and tortuous trichinella) and diseases (rabies and parvovirus).
The main threats caused by human activity include low forest cover, poaching and killing by means of transport.
Since 1994, the lynx has been under strict species protection and is listed in the Polish Red Book of Animals.
To help protect these beautiful cats in Poland, you can symbolically adopt a lynx, contributing to the protection of its population.
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