ADS Social ASX
4 min readMay 3, 2022

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ADSSocialASX supports all activities that are designed to protect the environment.
On April 22, we celebrated the International Earth Day.
As we have both creators and artistically gifted members in our community, we made an Event to make an Earth Day poster or postcard.
Unfortunately, to our surprise, the event did not attract much attention from the community.

This is not optimistic.
Are people not interested in the fate of our planet?
What has changed in society that it has ceased to pay attention to the surrounding environment?
Also, when looking at the activities in my city related to Earth Day, a decreased activity was noticeable.
Every year on that day there was a great cleaning up of rubbish in parks, by the river or along the roads. There was also heppening in the streets of the city. This yearโ€™s Earth Day took the form of a polite, boring academy organized by school management, where there are only banalities about segregating rubbish or not throwing papers on the lawn.
Therefore, it is worth recalling the beginnings of this holiday, which were by no means so polite. This holiday is a great opportunity to publicize the global problems of the Earth and to demand appropriate political action.

Earth Day was proposed by Democratic Party Senator Gaylord Nelson, concerned about environmental degradation, especially massive oil spills off the California coast.

The first day of the Earth, April 22, 1970, ended with a great success thanks to the fact that young people actively fighting for peace and a better world became infected with this idea. 200,000 people gathered in one square in Washington and 20 million people came out on the streets of cities all over the country demanding to care for the environment.

It is believed that on that day the ecological movement was born, which, by continuing the protests, forced politicians to deal for the first time with everyday issues such as the cleanliness of water and air.

In the next decade, traffic demands brought concrete results, the first laws protecting the environment were passed: the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, and a state institution for monitoring pollution was established.

In 1990, Earth Day became global, mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries and opening the way to the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.

Since 2000, the main topic has become climate change, and thus the reduction of CO2 emissions and the global transition to renewable energy sources.

Everyone should take care of the environment every day. This can be done in various ways, e.g. by saving electricity and heat, turning off devices operating in stand-by mode, creating green gardens on the roofs of buildings, joining tree-planting campaigns, giving items a second life and, of course, sorting garbage.

โ€ฆโ€ฆ..Coming back to our Event.

On 1313 registered users on the ADSSocial ASX Server โ€ฆ.. 3 works have been received. Yes, you see right, three ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

For each participant, we have provided a gift for participation in the Event in the amount of $ 5 paid in the ASX token. But we did not inform the community about the amount of the prize in order to surprise the participants.

We also did not announce another surprise, which is that all works will be placed in one image and minted on Opensea as NFT.

All the more sincere thanks to the people who took part in the event. Your works are really beautiful and will be immortalized in the ETH

We present these works below and we hope that everyone likes them as much as we do.

  1. Submitted by @Shagzilla

2. Submitted by @SynomPL

3. Submitted by @Aarona

We hope that the next Event will attract more attention from our community.

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